Let's improve the quality of life of your patients together.
The benefits of electrotherapy in physiotherapy are multiple, among them: it is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and thermal method that improves neuromuscular power, reduces edema, controls pain, improves trophism, strengthens muscles and improves wound healing.

We are innovation
We create products for non-invasive electrotherapy treatments, very safe, high performance, fully guaranteed your satisfaction.
2 years appliance warranty in Argentina.
6 months warranty on accessories in Argentina.
All our knowledge at your service.


All our electro stimulators have “Current Source” type outputs.
In this type of design, the current is the one that imposes on the voltage, which maintains its waveform, and therefore, its therapeutic characteristics even in the face of impedance changes in the tissue.
We manufacture 2 types of equipment:
Those where the pulse shape is monophasic rectangular (with galvanic component) or where the pulse waveform is of the RBS type (rectangular, biphasic, symmetrical) with null galvanic component.
The generated currents are controlled by a powerful high-speed microprocessor that performs all the mathematical functions necessary to produce the desired effects.

Particular characterisitics
2-channel electro-stimulator, with RBS-type currents, digital, with analog intensity control (Continuous). 50 pre-recorded programs that include:
10 Tens programs (acute pain, chronic pain, beta endorphins, Gate control, etc.)
- Sportsmanship.
- Rehabilitation.
- Etc.
50 programs to be defined by the Physiatrist or Physiotherapist, where all, absolutely all current parameters can be varied:
- Time of ascent, plateau and descent and rest in trains.
- Pulse width.
- Frequency.
Automatic mode or with external button
Operation with external source of 12 Volts- 1000 mA
Display of 2 lines and 16 characters of great luminosity.

Es un Electroestimulador programable de 1 Canal, digital, portátil con batería recargable.
Este equipo genera 3 tipos de micro corrientes:
El EGP/ (Electro estimulador Galvánico Programable) es usado en:
- Anestesia regional como Neuro localizador).
- Tendinopatías con micro electrolisis percutánea.
- Tens (Electro analgesia).
Características Generales
- Intensidad Máxima = 5 mili amperes (5000 micro amperes).
- Fuente de corriente (La corriente es independiente de la impedancia del tejido).
- Portátil.
- Batería recargable.
- Gran autonomía.
- Bajo peso.
- 1 canal.
- Posibilidad de ser comandado por un pulsador externo: de pie o de mano.
- Display de alta luminosidad.
- Totalmente digital.
- Accesorios.
- Cargado.
- Cable incluido.
- Bolso de transporte.
Particular characterisitics
- Monophasic, rectangular, symmetrical pulses.
- Adjustable pulse width: 100, 300, 500 or 1000 microseconds.
- Frequencies: 1, 2 and 4 Hertz.
- 3 current scales for regional anesthesia = 200, 500 or 1000 microAmperes: the current can be varied in steps, that is: You can start with 1000 microamperes and then go down to 500 or 200 microamperes with a single click.
- You can pause or start the current emission at any time by pressing a key or with the external button.
- End of broadcast beep.
Micro electrolysis
- Pure galvanic current with adjustable intensity from 0 to 5000 micro amperes.
- Adjustment of rise, plateau and fall time.
- Adjustment of the minimum starting intensity
- Adjustment of the maximum or plateau intensity.
- Automatic operation: It starts at the minimum current during a rising time, remains at the maximum with a plateau time, drops back to the minimum during a falling time, and ends the session with an acoustic signal.
- Button operation: The same as in point 5 but commanded with the unit’s button or external button.
Electro analgesia
- RBS type current: Rectangular, Biphasic, Symmetrical.
- Imáx. = 5 mA).
- Imin. = 0 mA, adjustable in steps of 20 microamps.
- 4 Tens modes:
T1= Tens Burts.
T2= Low Tens.
T3= Chronic pain.
T4= Contractures.
Included Accessories:
- Includes 1 cable.
- Charger.
- Rechargeable battery.
- Transport bag.
Electrostimulator with 1 channel, digital, portable with rechargeable battery
Digital electro orthosis used as a walking aid for rehabilitation or help to patients with stroke sequelae.
- Fully programmable from a PC.
- 15 memories
- Activation by remote button

About the performance of our Equipments
All our Electrostimulators have “Current Source” type outputs.
In this type of design, the current is what is imposed on the voltage, which maintains its waveform and, therefore, maintains its therapeutic characteristics even in the face of impedance changes in the tissue.
- EPM2 Evolution
- Electrowalker